Our ultimate goal and objective is to achieve freedom. Hayat is free today thanks to her mother, Asha, who took the decision not to mutilate her daughter and put an end to this terrible tradition which, unfortunately, continues to be carried out in the world today. There are many women who who are still completely subjected to men. They give their bodies to them, the same bodies that give life, and become slaves to traditions created by men for their own benefit. When Maggie Civantos, the actress from the series, Cable Girls, met Asha and heard about her fight against violence towards women thanks to Save a Girl Save a Generation, she heard her calling and felt the need to help. “My heart was touched with the imperious need to add my grain of salt. I felt that the time had come to contribute to this cause which would motivate me to fight unrelentlessly for a slightly better world.” This was the first step that was taken and would end in Save a Girl, Save a Generation coming up with the ambitious project of building a shelter for girls who find themselves in vulnerable situations.
Traveling photo exhibition
“I am free thanks to my mother.” Maggie could not get rid of these words from her mind after she had heard Hayat pronounce them the first time they had a coffee together. Without a second thought, she immediately called her friend Sergio Lardiez, a photographer, and told him what was going on in her head. “Yes, Sergio, I want a nude photoshoot, along with my mother and my grandmother, reasserting the naturalness of our bodies, our sexuality, and the freedom we are seeking for these women.” Sergio was as enthusiastic about this project as she was and they began to look for allies to make this a unique and powerful movement. Marta Hazas, Soraya Arnelas, Aura Garrido, Nerea Camacho, Cecilia Freire, Marta Larralde, Susana Córdoba, Lydia Bosch and her daughter Andrea Molina, as well as Tamy Nsue (Sweet California) are some of the women who have already decided to participate. Other well-known women from the cultural and acting world are also expected to join them. All of them will freely pose for Sergio Lardiez and are happy to take on this challenge that will hopefully materialize into a successful traveling photo exhibition in Spain and Latin America to help raise funds. “At a time when women are represented as ambassadors of beauty and perfection, I thought it was important to remember that there is a different kind of beauty that is more real and authentic and is not manipulated by advertising or anything else,” he says. Sergio, who has decided to show the beauty and freedom of these women without using filters or editing the photographs, hopes to show the natural beauty which lies in all of them without the use of Photoshop.