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The Purple Chair Podcast: Amplifying Youth Voices in the Fight Against Female Genital Mutilation and Gender Based Violence

This project, funded by Erasmus+, aims to facilitate the creation of a podcast series by youth for youth on FGM and Gender-Based Violence in collaboration with the Network's Youth Ambassadors. SAVE THE DATE We are excited to announce the launch of The Purple Chair Podcast, an innovative series dedicated to [...]

7 October, 2024|

Get to Know the Story of…

Today we want to share good news. We are pleased to announce that our dear Ann (a fictitious name for privacy reasons) will be leaving the Safe House this weekend after almost one year with us. Ann arrived at Safe in Nairobi in July 2023. Without delving into the details [...]

6 June, 2024|

UNICEF Report Reveals Escalation in Global Female Genital Mutilation

UNICEF has recently released a new report with updated statistics on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) globally, focusing on 31 countries across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The figures are discouraging. We now must shift our speech from speaking about 200 million survivors of female genital mutilation worldwide to acknowledging [...]

19 April, 2024|

End Female Genital Mutilation: Transforming Communities.

Women of Somali and Oromo origin participating in the Kueleka Mabadiliko program After conducting workshops addressing the urgent need to end Female Genital Mutilation(FGM) with groups of refugee women residing in Eastleigh, they identified two distinct groups. One consisted of 14 Somali women, while the other brought together [...]

10 September, 2023|

“The Difficult Choice for Girls: Food or Menstrual Products”

  Last year, we had the privilege of meeting with Yasmin, a feminist, gender activist, and advocate for menstruation. Through her tireless commitment and feminist spirit, she has proven to be a driving force in promoting menstrual hygiene and overall health for women and girls in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. This [...]

28 May, 2023|

Article on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and the role of parents in practice

The practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) constitutes a violation of human rights and a form of gender-based violence that affects thousands of girls and women worldwide. In this sense, the Cfairmagazine vol.12 (9) published an interesting article written by Meritxell Díaz Forés, entitled "Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and the [...]

9 April, 2023|

Purple Chair

Context: In 2017, End FGM EU launched the Young Ambassadors program with the aim of empowering young people as agents of change in the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM) in Europe and beyond. The Young Ambassadors come from various European countries and represented communities affected by FGM. The program [...]

9 April, 2023|

International Women’s Day

March 8th is International Women's Day, an important date to remember and recognize the historical struggle of women for equal rights and opportunities in all aspects of life. In this context, Asha Ismail, a Somali activist and founder and director of Save a Girl Save a Generation, is an inspiration [...]

8 March, 2023|

Trust bonds

On February 2nd, 2023, on the occasion of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), a participatory event was held in Madrid in collaboration with Mundo Cooperante and with the support of the Ministry of Equality.

4 February, 2023|

The Change Change Campaign

On 11 October 2021 – the  International Day of the Girl Child - the CHAIN project partners, ActionAid International Italia Onlus (Milan, Italy), Equipop (Paris, France), TERRE DES FEMMES (Berlin, Germany), Save a Girl, Save a Generation (Madrid, Spain) and the End FGM European Network (Brussels, Belgium) will be launching [...]

8 October, 2021|

Support for the regularisation of migrants in an irregular situation

From Save a Girl Save a Generation we support the request of the Spanish Commission for Aid to Refugees (Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado) (CEAR) to ask the Government to regularize all migrants in an irregular situation. Sign the following link to support the petition: It is vital that [...]

7 April, 2020|

Program of Training and Intercultural Relations – Course 2018-2019

The Welcome, Training and Intercultural Relations Program, which is jointly managed by Save a Girl Save a Generation y Acción en Red, pays special attention to women who have fled from situations of violence to offer them an environment of trust and security that allows them to be heard and speak with [...]

12 June, 2019|

Asha Ismail, invited to the conference ‘Walk Together to Fight Inequality’

Asha Ismail, founder and President of Save a Girl Save a Generation, was invited this past Saturday, June 1st, to participate in the Gender and Cultures study group of Walk Together to Fight Inequality. Asha Ismail will present the work that the organization Save a Girl Save a Generation has [...]

6 June, 2019|

Artistic and cultured women join Save a Girl Save a Generation in their ‘Safe in Nairobi’ project for girls at risk

Maggie Civantos collaborates with Save a Girl Save a Generation and sponsors the project 'Safe in Nairobi' for the creation of a foster home for girls at risk in Nairobi. 'Libres' is the solidarity exhibition for which women of culture such as Aura Garrido, Marisa Paredes, Marta Hazas, Lydia Bosch, [...]

6 June, 2019|

Afromadrid 2015

On the 18th of June, Save A Girl Save a Generation attended the International Congress of Afro-descendants, "Afromadrid 2015." Our founder, Asha Ismail, participated in the panel on sexual and reproductive health in Afro-descendant populations, along with experts in the subject such as the Egyptian doctor, Nagat Mohamed El-Demerdash, and [...]

6 June, 2019|

Training for the prevention of FGM at the Casino de la Reina Community Social Centre

A new training workshop for the prevention of female genital mutilation (FGM) and other harmful practices for women was held on 24th of April 2017. The project was carried out jointly by Save a Girl Save a Generation and Acción en Red. On this occasion, it was organized by the [...]

6 June, 2019|


Milena Medina, psychologist "Immigrants have a great need to learn and talk about sexuality" Milena Medina Pinilla is trained as a psychologist and family therapist. She is 28 years old and currently works as a psychologist at the Family Support Centre of the Community of Madrid (CAF) and as a [...]

6 June, 2019|

“We do not do enough against female genital mutilation”

Once again, history has repeated itself. Four little sisters suffered female genital mutilation during their vacation in Mali in 2013 as the oldest of the sisters, aged 14, made a formal complaint upon returning to her home in Vitoria (Álava). According to the complaint filed, the maternal grandparents took advantage [...]

24 April, 2019|

Vetusta Morla, Alice Wonder, Delaporte, Rozalén and Arkano join in a concert for the creation of a foster home for girls at risk in Nairobi

The solidarity concert 'Libres' will take place on October 30 in the Sala Joy Eslava in Madrid. The solidarity concert 'Libres', organized with the help of Infarto Producciones, brings together the artists Vetusta Morla, Alice Wonder, Delaporte and Rozalén with Arkano as master of ceremonies. Maggie Civantos sponsors the project [...]

24 April, 2019|
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